On this week's episode, Chad Dotson had a great conversation with author John Erardi about his latest book, "Tony Perez: From Cuba to Cooperstown." It's a fantastic read, and our conversation was a lot of fun as we dug into Perez' life and career and much more.
You can purchase the book at all area bookstores, and online at all the usual outlets. We can't recommend this book more highly.
John will be signing the book at Price Hill Chili on June 15 at 5:00 pm, and at Findlay Market on June 16 at 11:00 am. Go see John, pick up a book, and tell him that Redleg Nation says hello.
Music for this episode provided by Freekbass.
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Podcast-related questions and comments can be directed to Chad via email (chaddotson@redlegnation.com) or on Twitter (@dotsonc).